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February 21, 2024

Mecca re-incarnates Moira with live-selling in China and pls don't tell me the Ab-Swing Pro is making a comeback

It's no Danoz Direct, but live-selling is 'as seen on TV' on steroids.

What's the key learning?

  • Live selling is when influencers live-stream while promoting a product, enabling viewers to buy instantly with one-click payments.
  • Live-selling generated $120 billion in 2020. That's huge.

👉 Background: Mecca is the local beauty retailer that launched back in 1997 and now has over 100 retail stores in Australia and New Zealand.

👉 What happened: In 2020, Mecca launched in China with TMall Global and Weibo. Now, they’ve got over 100,000 customers there.

👉 What else: To compete in this market, Mecca has leveraged one of the most popular sales techniques in Asia: Live-selling...

🔔 What's the key learning?

💡 Live selling is where your favourite fashion influencer live-streams while promoting a product. The platform allows viewers/fans to purchase the product instantly from the live-stream with one-click mobile payments.

💡 Live-selling generated over $60 billion in global sales in 2019...doubling to $120 billion in 2020. That's a lotta billions.

💡It ain’t a new concept though. Don't you remember Moira pumping up the Ab Swing Pro? ("buy now and we'll throw in steak knives"). And with its success in Asia, Western brands brands are looking to capitalise on the live-stream trend too.

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